Anyone who has gone through a relationship will tell you that it takes some doing to lower a person back after they’ve broken up with you. Some people will go as far as using techniques and tricks to get the other back. However, not all tricks for getting your ex back are effective and…
Get Over Your Ex
Many people are flooded frequently with many promotions that highlight the most recent book or the next coming of a great book. These countless offers end up cluttering up our spam filters with many of them having no relevance in our everyday life.
Surviving Breakup for Men and Women
10 Rules to Surviving a Bad Breakup Breakups are difficult on everybody. Whether you were with your partner for a year or 10 years, pain, sadness and grief are normal, especially if you have a less than amicable breakup.
5 Tips To Ending A Relationship Gracefully
Ending A Relationship Gracefully Through Affective Planning Unfortunately, there are occasions when what started out as a happy relationship must come to an end. However, ending a relationship gracefully might end up being a very challenging task. There are many things that can cause a break up to go wrong, but that doesn’t…
The Pain Of A Breakup
4 Straight-Forward Approaches To Ease The Pain Of A Breakup “There are plenty of fish in the ocean.” Why is it that everyone feels the need to share that old cliche’ with you whenever you end a relationship? Is it because they are trying to ease the pain of a breakup? Unfortunately, it…
Get X Back
Reasons How Not to Get Your Ex-Lover Back Most people know how difficult it is to let go of something that was dear to them. It’s the same issue they encountered when dealing with a break up and having to let the other person go. But the results can be two-fold: Either they…