A love relationship is best described as an oxymoron (painful pleasure). That’s because you have to do certain things you don’t like to do sometimes, like choosing whether or not to discuss your boyfriend to others. Fact is men in general can get bored with certain topics they have no interest in. So this means everything will be entirely left up to you (his significant other) to figure out quickly where his interest really lies. But let’s face it! It can be challenging at times when figuring out what things to talk about with your boyfriend to get him to open up and express what he really likes.
Look at it this way, more than likely your guy is one of many that has a hard time sharing his true feelings. So this will require earning his trust when knocking down those walls. A simple way to do that is discussing things he likes to do. I know what you’re probably thinking — “What if I don’t have an interest or any knowledge of the topic he wants to talk about?” That being the case, you want to have a protracted conversation with your man. To do that you must suck it up; try to show some interest and a little understanding of the topic being discussed with you. But know that this shouldn’t be a complicated situation at all.
Food and beverages is always one of the most talked about topics and should be easy to discuss with your man if hew enjoys great food and drink. Odds are your first date with him involved having breakfast, lunch or dinner together. So you already know that this is something the both of you have a common interest in, perhaps even passionate about. What’s great about this is you both are talking about a common interest that gets the ball rolling about what interest him.
That said, talking about music is another good conversational piece where a couple share their interests and are very open to discussing. Men usually like these discussions. Are you beginning to see how easy communicating can be when trying to get your beau to open up? Though, both of you could have different taste in music the point here is finding a common ground where you both enjoy the same songs. The truth of the matter is having a discussion about music (for example) usually leads into a discussion about romance and love, whereas it leads into an intimate conversation.
By now, you probably already deduced where I’m heading with this. That’s right! You hit it on the nails head; making love. Just try to come up with ways to get your man’s undivided attention and keep it there. But keep in mind that you might lose some of your inhibitions when discussing the better part of your intimate relationship and love making, but in the end this will serve you well when doing so.
You should have a pretty good idea on what things to talk about with your boyfriend. Of course, there are plenty of discussion pieces such as, politics, reading, world events movies, and so on. Also, keep in mind that men are generally interested in sports (and very visual people) so use your imagination here. Simply put, just learn what really interest your guy and things will get better in the end.