It truly is a customary and heartbreaking story. Boy meets girl, boy loses girl, boy wants girl back. It’s typical that you could very well advertise in the local paper: “ex girlfriend wanting to get back, please help!”
Although it occurs every single day it simply doesn’t make things any easier, considering your are the one that’s has to deal with it. It continues to be painful and ‘it sucks’ is an understatement.
Nevertheless, you should never give up. There are some things you can put into practice to make things less difficult, while making you a better man for it and help you get your ex girlfriend back as well.
- The very first thing you have to do is cease any contact. That means no text messaging, emails, calls, etc. This may not be the easiest thing to do but that comes with living. You just have to avoid chasing her altogether. Picture this for a moment. When someone is being chased what do they normally do? They run. Right? So why push her further away when you can bring her closer instead. The best thing to do right now is back off, give her plenty of space to think things over and let her emotions calm down.
Keep in mind, nobody likes a wimpy, whiny, and insecure person — more so a man. It’s a turn off and it’s 100% certain that your ex is no different. So don’t get clingy on her or you’re subject to push her further away
- Enjoy yourself. It’s understandable that this sounds like stupid advice, nonetheless it’s very important. It sort of relates to our previous step (#1). Hang out with friends and making an effort live each and everyday to the fullest. If you focus on this and do it, you will benefit in a number of ways.
For instance, she will eventually hear about the great times you are having. At some point and time, she’ll start to miss the fun times you both use to shared together. Not only that but she’ll also recall why she fell head over heels with you in the beginning.
When following through with this plan it also helps you focus on other things and not just on your ex. That’s a very good tactic to keep in mind when trying to keep yourself from going crazy and dealing with this very difficult matter.
Take this advice as a precautionary measure: By no means should you use this step as some pathetic and childish aim to make your ex girlfriend jealous. Not only is that very immature but it simply doesn’t work. If you truly care about her and sincerely want her back, then you should avoid (at all costs) any destructive, stupid and childish games. No healthy relationship can ever be built solidly with that behavior
- Try to talk with her. Don’t try to badger her or argue. Just talk… and by all means listen! This isn’t about just you; it’s about the both of you — the relationship itself. And, it’s definitely not about being right. Instead, it’s more about making a sincere effort to really understand where the love of your life is coming from. Let this be the time that you put your male ego in your back pocket
If you think placing a listing in the relationship section of the local paper that expresses: “Ex Girlfriend Wanting To Get Back together” than no doubt you’re very serious when it comes down to getting your ex back. Simply follow the aforementioned tactics revealed in this article. As a result, you’ll be headed in the right direction and improve your chances in having better shot at making this work. With that, you can save some money by not placing an ad!